Trifocal Lenses or Trifocal IOLs are one of the types of cataract lenses. These, like the other lenses, are implanted in the eye during your cataract surgery. The other types of IOLs are Monofocal IOLs, Multifocal IOL, EDOF IOLs and Toric IOLs. IOL stands for intraocular lenses.

What do Trifocal Lenses do?

Trifocal lenses, as the name suggests, give you three focal distances. In other words, you can see clearly at three distances. These are

Distance vision
Intermediate Vision
Near or reading vision
Intermediate distances are when you would most likely be using your computer or using your handheld devices.
An incoming light into the eye splits into three rays of light. Each beam of light gives you a clear vision for one distance, depending on where one is looking.

As the name suggests, Trifocal lenses give you clear vision for three distances. On the other hand, Multifocal lenses give you clear vision for only two distances, near and far. If you have a multifocal lens implanted in your eye and need to use a computer without glasses, there is a possibility that you would have to move closer to the computer screen than you would like.

Once implanted, a trifocal lens gives glass-free vision for almost 90-95% of all your activities. It is thus evident that the headache of wearing glasses and trying to see clearly through them is eliminated. Those who play sports don’t have to worry about glasses sliding down the nose or falling off their faces. There are no issues with fogging of lenses, especially these days with everyone wearing masks.

We believe that using these lenses eliminates the headaches of wearing glasses and sometimes changing glasses, and the quality of your daily life improves.

As mentioned earlier, Trifocal IOLs have these visible concentric lines on the lens. It is these lines that give the lens its trifocality. However, these lines also cause halos around the oncoming headlights. Thus if an individual does a lot of night driving or has an active social life in the evenings, then maybe this lens is not a good option for you.

Vivity IOL is a non-diffractive extended depth of focus (EDOF)

Most multifocal lenses are diffractive, meaning light splits over the lens. When light splits as it hits the lens, it can make your vision less clear at some distances.

But the Vivity IOL is a non-diffractive extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOL. It is the first and only non-diffractive EDOF IOL.

The design of the lens smooths out the transition between rings, which allows light to stretch over it without splitting,
thanks to proprietary X-WAVE technology. The result is a much more comprehensive range of vision with fewer visual aberrations. With X-WAVE technology, two smooth surface transition elements work simultaneously to stretch and move light without it splitting, resulting in a smoother range of vision.

Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOL

An extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOL is a type of intraocular lens (IOL) that is designed to provide a range of clear vision for patients undergoing cataract surgery or lens replacement.
Unlike traditional monofocal IOLs, which provide clear vision at only one distance (either near or far), EDOF IOLs use advanced optical designs to extend the range of clear vision, providing patients with improved vision at multiple distances, including both near and far.

EDOF IOLs use a variety of technologies to achieve this extended depth of focus, including non-diffractive designs like the Vivity IOL, as well as diffractive designs that split light into different focal points to create a range of clear vision. The choice of technology depends on the specific design of the IOL and the preferences of the surgeon and patient.

Overall, EDOF IOLs can be a good option for patients who want to reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery or lens replacement.
However, like all medical procedures, it is important to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist to determine whether an EDOF IOL is the right choice for your individual needs and vision goals.

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