Bansal Eye Hospital Introduces SILK, Redefines Laser Vision Correction In North India
Discover the Future of Clear Vision with SILK, the next generation of Laser Vision Correction, is the latest and most advanced Laser Vision Correction launched in Ambala (for the first time in North India Except Delhi NCR) by Bansal Eye Hospital (BEH).

Your health is ournConcern
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Roger Health CEO & Founder
Latests News on Idesign 2.0 which proves it is Better Latest than Contoura Vision

IDesign refractive studio is World’s only LASER Technology used in NASA JAMES WEB TELESCOPE and present World Wide 41 Country

Best results of idesign refractive studio 2.0 presented at world’s most advanced Recent America’s (ASCRS 2023) conference
CONTOURA Vision ( Topography Guided Lasik) = Specs Power + Corneal Irregularities + Visual Axis Treatment
What is CONTOURA Vision?
Contoura Is a Popular Technology for specs removal which use Topography Guided Lasik laser in which Corneal Irregularities are corrected along with Specs power leading to Customised clearer Vision . This Technology got launched and FDA Approval in 2015.
Contoura Vision, is the latest advancement in specs removal which correct imperfections in the Eye/ cornea in addition to correcting specs power, resulting in a 30-40% sharper vision, which is not possible with any of the other LASIK or Smile procedure.
Why iDesign Refractive Studio(HDV)
- It is the only system in the world to use “combination of Topo integrated and wavefront guided technology” for correcting all imperfection of the eye. It analyses entire eye inside and out for a truly personalized treatment.
- It is the only FDA approved treatment for presbyopia monovision correction in myopes.

Expert Doctor
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Emergency Care
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Latest Technology
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Free Consultation
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team of doctors

Dr. V. K. Bansal

Dr. Mohit Bansal

Dr. Ashish Bansal
Our Services

SILK Eye Surgery
A healthy cornea – the transparent, dome-shaped surface of your eye – is an essential component of sharp, clear vision. It accounts for a large part.

Implantable Collamer Lens
LASIK Eye Surgery today is a safe and effective method of correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness for the vast majority of patients seeking Laser Vision Correction

C3R Treatment
Keratoconus is a common bilateral corneal condition, occurring in more than 1 in 1000 people. The condition typically starts in adolescence and early adulthood.

Strabismus( Squint/ Teer/ Bhengapan) is a visual defect in which the eyes are misaligned and point in different directions. One eye may look straight ahead, while the other eye turns inward.

Diabetic Eye Disease
The retina lines the inside of the eye and acts rather like the film in a camera. The macula is the small central part of the retina that you use to see things clearly and is the part you are using now to read

Cataract surgery (Hindi: Safed Motia or Motiabind) is age related clouding and increasing opacification of the natural lens of the eye causing blurring.

Jennifer Doe
We are the bestnmedical center
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- Free Ambulance
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- 24x7 Emergency Services
- Fleading Technology
- Patient Centered Care
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We are available 24/7
We Always Readnfor a Challenge
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Cured Patients
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Satisfied Patients
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Dr. Bansal is fantastic! My cataract surgery went smoothly and I can see perfectly now. Thank you!
Priya Sharma
Been taking my parents to Bansal Eye Hospital for years. They always receive excellent care.
Rakesh Kapoor
Highly recommend Bansal Eye Hospital. The staff is friendly and the facilities are top-notch.
Smita Patel
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News & Events
- Cornea Transplant facility is available.
- Special Offer available for Senior citizens above 65 years Eye-health check up and surgical packages.
- Newer Therapies available for Dry eyes Glaucoma patients.
- Best Offers for Haryana Government Employees
Vision Revolution
Bansal Eye LASIK Explained
Our Empanellments

Opening Hours
Opd Timings
9 am- 2: 30pm
Monday To Saturday
Sunday Off
Evening 4 pm - 5 pm ( Strictly By Appointment only) Monday To Friday