Cataract Surgery
Myths Related to Cataract, What is Cataract ? क्या हैं सफ़ेद मोतियाबिंद. Phaco Surgery New Technology
Cataract Surgery- Post Operative Care
Recovery & Instruction
Welcome to Bansal Eye Hospital. BEH is the pioneer eye hospital in North India and one of the Best Eye Hospital in Chandigarh. Bansal Eye Hospital is empanelled with Haryana Government, Himachal Government, Punjab Government, ESIC- Himachal Pradesh, echs empanelled hospital, CGHS, ECHS for Lasik Laser Eye Surgery,
Esic hospital, Specs Removal Surgery, CGHS Hospital, C3R Surgery, Cataract (Safed Motia or Motiabind) Surgery, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma (kala motia) and other eye related treatment and surgery.

(Glare), Coloured rings around the lights (Haloes), Multiple blurred images of an object (Polyopia), Blurring of vision in dim light, Difficulty in reading and driving, Repeated quick change in glasses power, eye strain and headache etc.
This clouding of lens can occur due to injury (Traumatic cataract) , Diabetes mellitus and various other diseases and thus can occur earlier also. In new born and infants it occurs due to genetic reasons or poor maternal health and diseases during pregnancy and then is called Congenital Cataract.

Treatment Of Cataract
- Treatment of cataract surgery is surgical removal of the cataractous lens
- There is no drug or diet available for reducing cataract.
Symptoms of Cataracts
- Blurry vision
- Trouble seeing at night
- Seeing colors as faded
- Increased sensitivity to glare
- Halos surrounding lights
3 Unexpected Benefits of Safed Motia Surgery
Not Just Better Vision
Improve your quality of life
Decrease living longer your risk of falls and fractur
Improve your chances of living longer
What Causes Cataracts surgery?
Ultraviolet Radiation
Certain diseases such as diabetes
An overproduction of oxidants, which are oxygen molecules that have been chemically altered due to normal daily life
The long-term use of steroids and other medications
Methods Of Cataract Surgery

PHACO-EMULSIFICATION for No-Injection – No-Stitch – No-Bandage Cataract Surgery is another field where Bansal Eye hospital is a popular hospital in the region. The advanced phacoemulsification procedure was started in the early 1990 and we have millions of satisfied patients.
Anaesthetic eye drops are used prior to the procedure to numb the eye. Sometimes a diluted 1% lidocaine is irrigated into the anterior part of the eye to numb the sensitive iris in case the phaco tip touches it.
Since phaco is a short time painless procedure and there is very little handling of the eye, this no-injection eye drop anaesthesia is enough for a total comfort of the patient. One should also remember that eye drop anesthesia is safer than injection which can cause complications like drug reaction and perforation of the eye.
Phacoemulsification is done with a thin probe which can enter the eye through a 3.2 mm incision. This incision is made in such a manner that a small tunnel is formed with a length of approximately 2.5 mm. The configuration of the tunnel is such that it closes when the eye pressure is increased and so does not need any stitch to keep it closed.

Best Time For PHACO Cataract Surgery

Today the life style of every person is such that eyes are used extensively for reading/writing/driving during day and night/ watching television etc. and cataract surgery has BEHome very patient friendly. The recovery is quick and discomfort is minimal. Also as the cataract “matures” , it becomes harder and difficult to emulsify with phacoemulsification.
It is therefore, advisable to get the phaco-cataract surgery done as early as possible. Definitely when the person is able to read the top letter indicating cataract is sufficiently ready for operation.
Precautions Before & After PHACO Cataract Surgery
It is advisable to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness. No cosmetics should be used on the eye or face. There are no dietary restrictions required before or after cataract operation. Dietary restrictions for other systemic diseases should be observed.
Splashing water in the eye to wash it is not to be done. Face can be washed and head bath can be taken with the eyes closed.

PHACO Cataract Surgery In Diabetics
Control of blood sugar is essential. A post prandial blood sugar level of up to 180 mg % should be maintained before and after cataract operation. Blood pressure control should be maintained with appropriate medications before/ during and after surgery.
The Cold PHACO
New phacoemulsification probe produce less heat during ultrasonic vibration thus prteventing heat induced damage to the incision and cornea. This can even be used without infusion sleeve through a smaller incision of 1 – 1.4 mm. Phacoemulsification through a smaller incision of around 1 mm with a sleeveless phaco tip and irrigation through a separate side port provides an advantage of speedy recovery, faster healing and lesser surgery induced astigmatism. The surgery involves insertion of a rollable lens of 5.5mm dia which can be inserted through 1.2 mm incision (The microincision). At bansal eye hospital we have facilities for the latest and most advanced imported intraocular lenses at reasonable prices and millions of satisfied patients who have opted for the same.
Benefits of Phaco surgery:
- No hospitalization – Walk in, Walk out surgery.
- Smaller incision- hence lesser complications related to the incision size.
- Lesser induced astigmatism because of smaller incision.
- No bandages minimal precautions.
- No restriction on normal activities.
- Fast recovery of good vision in a matter of days.
Special Lenses:
- Multi-focal iol.
- Accomodative iol.
- Rollable iol.
- Blue blocking iol.
- Light adjustable iol.
VIVITY Lens for Cataract Surgery | दूर और निकट की अच्छी नज़र के लिए | Best Lens For Cataract Surgery
How much does a cataract operation cost in India?
To know the Exact cost of LASIK and other Laser eye procedures that we have at our LASIK centre, Please fill the form or Call Our Customer Care.

It takes energy for your eyes to change focus between distances. Some multifocal lenses require a lot of work for your eyes to adjust. The Vivity lens features seamless transitions between prescription strengths. It’s less stressful for your eyes to focus, preventing them from growing tired. Many people with cataracts struggle to see in low light.
There are many benefits and advantages when you choose Vivity IOL. For anyone that has lived with cataracts, having cataract surgery is incredible because you can finally see clearly again. But selecting the Vivity lens takes your new vision to the next level.
Vivity delivers excellent distance, intermediate (arm’s length), and functional near vision (cell phone). Putting on makeup, reading a book, and working on a computer can be difficult for someone with cataracts. However, after your surgeon implants the Vivity Lens, you’ll be able to enjoy all those activities without visual disturbances.
The Vivity Lens is an artificial lens used to replace your cataract-affected lens. Using non-diffractive technology called the X-Wave, the Vivity Lens provides patients with improved long-distance, intermediate, and near vision. Like other IOLs, the Vivity Lens works by bending incoming light, allowing the light to focus on the retina. By refocusing the light, you’ll notice your cloudy or blurry vision becoming clear. It provides patients with excellent intermediate vision, making it a great option if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, reading music, or driving. It also does a good job of correcting near vision, making it ideal for tasks like sewing, texting on a smartphone, or reading or a book. Vivity Lens for Cataract Treatment Vivity lens provides patients with high-quality distance and intermediate vision, and functional close-up vision thanks to new technology. If you have specific questions about Vivity IOLs, or if you’re searching for lens options for cataract surgery, schedule call or speak with our eye doctors.