
Welcome to Bansal Eye Hospital. BEH is the pioneer eye hospital in North India and one of the Best Eye Hospital in Chandigarh. Bansal Eye Hospital is empanelled with Haryana Government, esic hospital in Ambala, cghs hospital, Himachal Government, Punjab Government, ESIC- Himachal Pradesh, CGHS, ECHS for Lasik Laser Eye Surgery, Specs Removal Surgery, C3R Surgery, Glaucoma Treatment , Cataract (Safed Motia or Motiabind) Surgery, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma (kala motia) and other eye related treatment and surgery. At Bansal Eye Hospital for Glaucoma Surgery in Ambala, patients can be sure that they will be receiving top-notch treatment from qualified professionals.

Glaucoma( kala motia) is complex disease of the eye involving irreversible damage to the optic nerve because of increased intraocular pressure. It is common after 5th decade of life, is genetically determined and is more prevalent in Diabetics. Glaucoma can occur in new born , young children and young adults also.
The increased pressure in your eye, called intraocular pressure, can damage your optic nerve, which sends images to your brain. If the damage worsens, glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss or even total blindness within a few years.

Glaucoma: Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Risk Factors

Types of Glaucoma

Acute Glaucoma characterized
Acute Glaucoma characterized by sudden increase in eye pressure, painful and red eye, decrease in vision, appearance of coloured haloes around lights and rapid deterioration in vision if not treated in time.

Chronic Glaucoma characterized
Chronic Glaucoma characterized by slow increase in eye pressure causing irreversible damage to the optic nerve associated with slow deterioration in vision and defects in the visual field.


Glaucoma is that the results of damage to the nervus opticus . As this nerve gradually deteriorates, blind spots develop in your field of vision . For reasons that doctors don’t fully understand, this nerve damage is typically associated with increased pressure within the eye. Elevated eye pressure is thanks to a buildup of a fluid (aqueous humor) that flows throughout the within of your eye. This internal fluid normally drains out through a tissue called the trabecular meshwork at the angle where the iris and cornea meet.

When fluid is overproduced or the system doesn’t work properly, the fluid can’t effuse at its normal rate and eye pressure increases. Glaucoma tends to run in families. In some people, scientists have identified genes associated with high eye pressure and nervus opticus damage.

Symptoms Of Glaucoma

The signs and symptoms of glaucoma vary counting on the sort and stage of your condition

Open-angle glaucoma
• Patchy blind spots in your side (peripheral) or sight , frequently in both eyes
• Tunnel vision within the advanced stages

Acute glaucoma
• Severe headache
• Eye pain
• Nausea and vomiting
• Blurred vision
• Halos around lights
• Eye redness

Risk factors

Because chronic sorts of glaucoma can destroy vision before any signs or symptoms are apparent, remember of those risk factors:
• Having high internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure)
• Being over age 60
• Being black, Asian or Hispanic
• Having a case history of glaucoma
• Having certain medical conditions, like diabetes, heart condition , high vital sign and red blood cell anemia
• Having corneas that are thin within the center
• Being extremely nearsighted or farsighted
• Having had an eye fixed injury or certain sorts of eye surgery.


Get regular dilated eye examinations

Know your family’s eye health history

Exercise safely

Take prescribed eyedrops regularly

Diagnosis of Glaucoma Depends on Glaucoma

  • Complete eye examination including eye pressure,
  • Fundus examination for optic nerve head,
  • Gonioscopy (Study of angle of eye),
  • SWAP Perimetry (Field test) and Retinal Nerve fibre analysis.
  • Pachymetry (Corneal Thickness)
Retinal Nerve Fibre Analysis ( OCT) determines the thickness of the retinal nerve fibres, which reduces in Glaucoma. Thinning of retinal nerve fibres occurs much before the damage to the fibres and optic nerve causing field defects. RNFL analysis can detect the possibility of glaucoma 3 to 7 years before the appearance of field defects and detection of Glaucoma with other diagnostic procedures. Treatment of Glaucoma is possible both with medicines and operation. HRT 3 and Perimetry determine the efficacy of medical treatment in preventing the progress of disease and HRT 3 acts as a guide to maintaining good vision. These tests should be repeated at appropriate interval to judge the efficacy.

Glaucoma Eye Treatment Cost in India?

The team at Bansal Eye Hospital is made up of highly experienced ophthalmologists and optometrists, who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and specialized treatments for glaucoma. The hospital offers a wide range of treatments and surgeries for glaucoma, as well as a team of professionals dedicated to providing the best possible care. Bansal Eye Hospital one of the best for glaucoma surgery in Ambala. To know the exact cost of C3R Eye LASIK and other Laser eye procedures that we have at our LASIK centre, Please fill the form or Call Our Customer Care.

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